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Jackie's Blog RSS

Mommin’ it Hard!

Recently, we welcomed our third baby girl into our happy, yet crazy family and became a family of 5!  I never really knew how many kids I wanted, but I knew that I liked the idea of a large family.  I always thought I was a going to be a better boy Mom, through and through. I was a very big tom-boy growing up, probably didn't help that I was raised with all boys. Well I had an idea of how my future looked and God laughed and gave us three beautiful, healthy baby girls. Those girls really are the best thing.  One thing I have learned having 3 kids,  I am still figuring it out and it is a...

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Harvest In Full Swing!

Just like that, it happened late last week.  Harvest official began for the Kennedy family.  I didn't grow up in a farming family by all means and I started experiencing harvest when my amazing "adopted family"  took me under their wing and showed me the ropes.  I did a lot from bank out operate, running harvester, being weigh master at the warehouse or even bringing donuts every morning I pretty much did every job, sometimes not very well, when it came to harvest time.   Fast forward about 6 or 7 years, I am now married to a farmer and lets just say, what I thought I got experience about harvest it is a whole new ball game when you...

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First post

We are so excited to start this adventure.  It has been a long time coming but we are now excited to launch our new website.  Please feel free to email me or let me know what questions you may have!  

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